Oromo AIDS Relief 2006 Gargaarsaa AIDS Oromotaaf

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"The vision which fueled our struggle for freedom; the development of energies and resources; the unity and commitment of common goals - all these will be needed if we are to bring AIDS under control. This is a war. We must not continue to be debating, to be arguing, when people are dying."
– Former South African President Nelson Mandela, February 17, 2002


AIDS in Oromia is a huge issue that has been neglected for too long and needs to be addressed. In an effort to reach out to our people victimized by HIV/AIDS, we, at Oromo AIDS Relief, have decided to launch a year long campaign entitled Oromo AIDS Relief 2006. The purpose of this project is to provide financial support to organizations that work with HIV/AIDS patients or children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Oromia.

In order to raise money, we plan to organize various events in 2006, to not only make people aware of this epidemic, but to give them a chance to join in the effort to properly fund critical programs. We hope that this year long campaign will grow into a successful relief organization that can provide significant aid to those suffering with HIV/AIDS in our land of Oromia. With your help, there's no reason why we should not be able to achieve this. We need all Oromos from all walks of life, religions, and regions to help in this effort. AIDS does not discriminate who it kills.

Our Symbol



Our symbol is a visual display of our purpose. We embedded the red ribbon, which is the international symbol for AIDS, into a map of Oromia, as a representation of its existence as a problem in Oromia. Its a problem that we plan to combat.


In order to raise the funds necessary to kick start this organization, we are starting by selling T-shirts to create awareness of this cause specifically, and our organization as a whole. The future events that we plan will be both informational, with knowledgeable guest speakers on AIDS in Oromia, as well as, culturally enriching through various outlets.

Even though Ethiopia gets alot of media attention concerning AIDS, the Oromos, however, have been overlooked. One of our main goals is to target those organizations that are treating the Oromo people specifically. At this time we are researching various organizations that work with AIDS patients and orphaned children in Oromia in order to verify their reliability. We will inform you of the specific organization/s that we have selected, and provide you with the necessary information about this/these organizations at the time of our fundraising event.